Subscribe to our Patreon
Become our Patron and Get Access to ALL OUR VIDEOS and FREE monthly AMAs with Agents & Industry Pros!
Your Subscription
Foundation Partner ($10/mo) [join]
- Unlimited access to conference videos.
- Monthly AMA (ask-me-anything) calls with agents and/or editors.
- AMA call archive: Recording of AMA calls.
- (Coming soon) Patron Discounts for products and services.
- (The best!) Satisfaction of leveraging support for fellow writers!
We are excited to offer Patreon subscriptions! You can subscribe right now by
Clicking HERE.
Why support us?
We help writers like you
We are based in San Francisco, California, but our reach is global.
We help writers from all over become successful, published authors.
Since 2004, over 500 people have come together each year to make our annual conference a huge success.
As a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, we use our revenue to provide education and opportunities to connect with the industry for writers who might not otherwise have access.
Our Impact—What we have achieved
Our donations have gone to 826 National, BINC, the Children’s Book Project, EveryLibrary, Litquake, WNBA, Books & Booze, Project Homeless Connect, high school scholarship recipients, and other organizations. We have helped thousands of writers, from high school students to retirees, forge ahead with their writing careers.
Your Impact—Helping to increase our impact
Patreon subscriptions are not only a way to access our content more affordably than coming out to California for the full conference, they help us reach even more writers. Subscribing is easy. Click Here to Join!
Your subscription comes with benefits!
You can join today as a Foundation Partner. The valuable core benefits of this tier will evolve over time.
As a Foundation Partner, you'll get:
- Unlimited access to conference videos. This starts the instant your subscription goes through. To see the list of videos that you'll unlock, check this page. In time, some of these videos may be assigned to higher tiers, but right now, you'll have complete access.
- Monthly AMA calls. A series of monthly ask-me-anything calls with agents and/or editors where you can participate and ask them anything!
- AMA Call Archive. Recordings of past AMA calls. This growing list will be a great resource to research and get answers to your questions.
- Patron discounts for products and services wherever applicable. This will be an important aspect of our digital storefront currently under construction. In addition to the videos, we may include audio recordings from years past, our annual writing contest anthologies, and other items (suggestions welcome).
- Last, but perhaps the most significant, is the satisfaction you get out of supporting an organization dedicated to helping writers of all genres become successful, published authors!
How do your contributions help?
Ongoing revenue generated through Patreon will allow us to stabilize our budget, expand our year-round offerings, and create more scholarships and free programs like the Teen Writers Summit.
Your contributions will touch many people.
How to subscribe
Subscribing is easy. Click Here to Join fellow partners in support of the Foundation!
Thank you for your support.