Win a Scholarship to the 2020 San Francisco Writers Conference
Each year the SFWC offers several scholarships to the conference. But we’ve NEVER had so many scholarships available so far in advance! We now have the Joyce Turley Scholarship, the SFWC Director’s Scholarship, and the SFWC Student Scholarships accepting applications. The best part is there are no fees to apply, simple rules, and an easy online submission process.
Go to the SFWC Website’s scholarship page to see all of the scholarships for the 2020 San Francisco Writers Conference and also see who won the 2019 SFWC Scholarships. CLICK HERE.
Additional scholarships for the 2020 SFWC will be announced in the SFWC Newsletter.
If you would like to help fund a scholarship, you can donate any amount toward a scholarship please CLICK HERE.
If you would like to create a scholarship for you, in memoriam, or for your company, please contact Barbara Santos at [email protected] or (925) 420-6223.