Why come to SFWC?

turquoise border on a cream square with turquoise text quoting SFWC Lissa Provost: "My conference tuition was an investment that connected me to incredible opportunities to learn from and network with the people I needed to know to succeed as a writer and author—the kind of human connections I wasn’t successfully making through the internet."

Here are 4 great reasons from co-director Lissa Provost why you should consider attending the San Francisco Writers Conference this year! Why come to SFWC? Access to industry professionals  The San Francisco Writers Conference offers the highest ratio of industry professionals to attendees available. It’s actually between a 3:1 and 4:1 ratio, a number I…

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Write a Book Starting at the End

Write a Book Starting at the End - Martha Alderson

By Martha Alderson (Martha Alderson will be teaching at the Writing For Change: Worldwide Craft Conference September 12-13. For more information, please visit the Writing For Change: Worldwide website. Or register here.) Every book is made up of a beginning, middle, and an end. Usually writers start writing at the beginning of their books, a…

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Learn from the Masters over the Holidays!

Master Classes SFWC Writing Skills taught by the Masters

Valentine’s Day and Presidents’ Day are super special this year because they fall so close together. So why not treat yourself to some affordable intensive writing classes and supercharge your writing career for 2019! All the details are here: https://sfwriters.org/master-classes/ The San Francisco Writers Foundation is offering eleven 3-hour writing classes at the Hyatt Regency…

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