Presenter Interest Form

The San Francisco Writers Conference is February 6-9, 2025

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the incredible community that forms each year at the San Francisco Writers Conference. We are a nonprofit centered on bringing the industry together to foster new talent and ensure the future of San Francisco and the West Coast’s publishing community.

Presenters come to connect with one another as much as with the attendees. We love to learn from experienced voices and always have room for presenters who are innovators in the publishing space. With more than 100 industry professionals participating in each conference, it’s like there’s a second conference going on backstage, and we love this. The presenter-only networking party in the Ansel Adams Suite at the top of the Hyatt on Embarcadero is a highlight and a hot ticket just for you.

In addition to your all-access backstage pass to the conference, which includes meals and drinks at networking events, the cross-promotion that comes with community, and engagement with high-quality and highly motivated aspiring authors, presenters may also offer paid consultations, critiques, or master classes and will receive a $50 per diem to defray costs associated with coming to the conference. Agents and acquiring editors receive travel stipends and hotel accommodation.

Tell us about yourself:

Please fill out the following form carefully and completely so we may determine your possible role(s) in the conference. We use the information you provide to promote you on the conference website, on social media, in the program, and to send you important notices as the conference gets closer. If you need to make changes, please follow the same link to fill out this form again so we can update your contact info. Estimated time to complete: 10 min.
Mailing Address(Required)
Where should we send invitations, reimbursements, &c. for internal use only?
Payment for paid classes, appointments, critiques, and travel reimbursements will be mailed as a check if no online payment link is provided.
Email Preferences:
When we list confirmed speakers on our website, we link their names to the site they enter here so attendees can learn more about you.
Other places people can find you on the web and links to projects/activities/events you're currently promoting and/or participating in that we can share.
By you (preferred) or your clients (if applicable), Titles & ISBNs, most relevant first - for use by our onsite bookstore and lists. We want to promote what you're promoting.
This is the bio that will be printed in the program and read aloud to introduce you at sessions. It should start with your name, ie. Jane Doe writes/teaches/represents... &c in the third person. Focus on your experience and accomplishments relevant to what you are presenting. This field is limited to match program space. If it's cut off here, it will be cut off in the program.
A clear professional headshot with your face centered, so it may be cropped as needed. It will be printed in black and white and smaller than 2" in the program and be in color in our conference schedule app used on phones.
Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 64 MB.
Days Available(Required)
The conference runs Thursday through Sunday of Presidents' Day weekend. We love to have presenters join us all weekend and enjoy the rest of the programming when not presenting or consulting. However, we understand time constraints and appreciate you letting us know before we build the schedule which days you are available.
Let us know if someone sent you to us.

How would you like to be involved?

Check all that apply - for paid sessions/events the fee is split 50/50 with the conference.
Author experienced in the following genres and formats:
Independent Editor
Author Coach
Publicist/Marketing Coach
Acquiring Editor
Literary Agent
Publisher/Small Press who acquires directly from authors
Other business that offers services to authors
3-5 sessions or panels you would like to present or moderate. What do you want attendees to gain from and feel after each presentation? "What I've discussed with ...," is a valid response if it's already settled.
Permission to Record(Required)
I consent to the video recording of my sessions by the San Francisco Writers Conference for commercial and promotional use. Streaming access will be provided to me.

More Opportunities:

Let us know your priorities/areas of most significant interest here. Type "No" if you have no preferences or other concerns to communicate. We appreciate your time completing this form.