A Treatise on Playfulness

A word on play. A serious word on play. I write this as one who just wrote a craft book. Which might be defined as a lot of thinking about writing: how it happens, why it happens, how to do it, why do it. When I grew up in the early Pleistocene era, there were…

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Write a Book Starting at the End

Write a Book Starting at the End - Martha Alderson

By Martha Alderson (Martha Alderson will be teaching at the Writing For Change: Worldwide Craft Conference September 12-13. For more information, please visit the Writing For Change: Worldwide website. Or register here.) Every book is made up of a beginning, middle, and an end. Usually writers start writing at the beginning of their books, a…

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Memoir as a Method for Change

Memoir as a Method for Change - Brooke Warner

by Brooke Warner (Brooke Warner will be speaking with Michelle Tea on the topic of using your memoir as a force for change at San Francisco Writing For Change: Worldwide on September 8. Register and join us for this Inspiration Conversation!) I was twelve or thirteen when I read Go Ask Alice. It was fiction,…

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