San Francisco Writers Foundation
Conference FAQs: What should I prioritize at the conference, given my budget?
By Lissa Provost This is a challenging question to give a specific answer to because budgets vary widely. It’s my observation that people usually have more money than time or vice versa. It’s rare to have both, so I’m going to break my advice down into the form of a list ranging between those states.…
Read MoreWriting for Change: Worldwide Coming to You September 7-13!
By Laurie McLean When I took over as director of the San Francisco Writers Conference, the San Francisco Writers Foundation, and the Writing for Change conference a few years ago, little did I realize what challenges awaited me and the rest of the management team in 2020. We barely squeaked by holding the February San…
Read MoreWe are San Francisco’s writers conference. It is in our bones to embrace & elevate diverse voices.
We are San Francisco’s writers conference and as such it is part of our cultural identity to embrace and elevate diverse voices. This is challenging in an industry where white privilege is heavily entrenched, but we have always embraced this challenge. It’s part of why we embrace disruptive trends like self-publishing. It’s why we work…
Read MoreScholarships for the 2020 San Francisco Writers Conference
When you simply HAVE to go to the SFWC! If the cost of the conference is keeping you from attending the 2020 San Francisco Writers Conference this February, do something about it immediately. This year we are offering seven scholarships…and each of them will award a registration to the conference. All you have to do…
Read MoreFailing Your Way to Success: 6 Reasons for Writers to Make Mistakes
I never make misteaks. –Anonymous To achieve anything you must be brave enough to fail. –Kirk Douglas There is one simple way to avoid ever making another mistake: Do nothing. You’ll never make a mistake if you don’t do anything. But the more ambitious you are, the more mistakes you can count on making in…
Read MoreWhy Now is the Best Time to Be a Writer
There was a New Yorker cartoon showing an editor sitting across a desk from a writer who looks like Charles Dickens and saying: “Make up your mind, Mr. Dickens. Was it the best of times or the worst of times? It could scarcely have been both.” It’s certainly a challenging time to be a writer, but for many reasons, it’s best time ever.
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