Stop Chasing Butterflies

By Amanda J. Clay

Happy New Year friends! A new year is a time to take stock, reevaluate goals, jump into new projects! Or for some of us–release their first new book in a LONG time. 

Yesterday I released a book I’ve been working on for about two years. It was the sequel to my best-selling book of all time, Shallow Water. I was so excited to FINALLY finish this baby and I kept kicking myself that it took me so long to get it done. The first book was such a success–why did I wait so long?

I was busy chasing butterflies.

Lemme explain. 

Look, butterflies are beautiful and distracting and fun to chase through carefree meadows. But if you’re not careful, they will lead you right off a cliff. I am someone with a LOT of ideas. I can brainstorm till the cows come home and successfully figure out how to earn a billion dollars, retire to the south of France and solve world peace in the meantime. I love to chase all those ideas round and round until it’s time to pour a glass of wine and head to bed. 

Executing on my plans is another matter. Why? Because sometimes I think ALL these ideas actually need to come to fruition.

It’s easy to have ideas. Ideas are GREAT. Ideas are necessary. This is why all businesses have think tanks and brainstorming sessions. You have to throw a ton of ideas into the universe to find the one or two worth pursuing. ONE OR TWO. Not all. 

Sometimes I’m guilty of wanting to do ALL. THE. THINGS. 

And let me tell you, no business can do all the things. If you attempt to do all the things in your head, overcommitting on projects, you will end up doing NONE OF THE THINGS. 

It took me two years to complete Dark Tide because I chased one too many butterflies off a cliff. 

It’s a lesson I needed and a reminder to pause and take stock. If you have a hundred things on your list of 2022 accomplishments, scratch off ninety five. Focus your efforts on where you are most likely to succeed. I might have the occasional dream of writing gothic romance or that profound saga of a woman’s journey across Asia. But all that’s going to do is take away from giving my readers what they’re waiting for–more page-turning suspense! 

This isn’t just about what you WANT to do, either. In this every-changing, fast-paced industry where someone always has the next magic bullet to sell, we think we HAVE to do all the things. Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, book signings, book trailers, local schools, cross-promotions…but if you spend all your time on all the things, you might never actually write the next book. 

When plotting your business and writing goals for 2022, think about these things:

  1. What do you actually WANT to do?
  2. What do you actually have time for? What will your life allow? I have a full time writing career and a toddler and a husband with an equally demanding career. I am probably not going to be the next TikTok comedy routine breakout. 
  3. What’s going to earn you the most income/attention/etc (whatever your goal). Don’t let 80% of your efforts go to something that earns you 20% of your goal. It should be the opposite math. (Psst, spoiler, it’s usually WRITE MORE BOOKS)

It’s easy to over commit ourselves to such a degree that we forget to actually do the thing that we’re here to do–write great books! 

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2022. 

As always, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out or connect. 

Dark Tide, now out on Kindle! 




Amanda J. Clay writes gripping mysteries and twisty domestic thrillers with complex, kick-butt female leads designed to keep you up all night, including the twisty Pt. Redwood mystery series and the thrilling Redemption Series. When she’s not staring at a computer screen, she is part of the fabulous team that puts on the San Francisco Writers Conference. She currently lives in Nashville, TN with her dashing, real-life hero of a husband, who inspires her villains and heroes alike, and their hellion of a daughter.

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